Wednesday 21 March 2012

Ondo State Orientation Camp Boils!

Nysc youth corpers broke losed today in ondo

state due to the excesses of d camp commandant Lt A. I Osei.

Some corp members were accused during d

morning reveille of strolling out of d camp. D

culprits were called out and reprimanded. But later

after d morning drills corp members were again

called out to d parade ground. First he

commanded all d corpers to sqaut down on d

floor, next he told them to sit on d bare floor and

later he asked them to lie down flat on their back.

Some soldiers were commanded to roll some

corpers on d floor. It was dis dat angered d

corpers because they don't know wat they are

being purnished for. Corpers went on protest

which grounded d camp for hours. They were later

apologised to by d state coordinator Mr Jaiye

Ojumu. Presently all activities in d camp are


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