Friday 23 March 2012

The 12-Year-Old Girl who refused to cut her hair since birth

Natasha Moraes de Andrade, who lives in an

impoverished shanty town in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil,

has never had a haircut and plans to sell

the 5ft 2in mane of hair for £3,500 to serve as

extensions. At 5ft 3in, she is just one

inch taller than the length of her wavy chestnut

hair - and the maintenance it requires sees her use

a full bottle of shampoo every week.

Her mother Catarina Moraes de Andrade, 42, said

admirers told her never to cut her daughter's

beautiful hair as it was so thick and long.

Children in her local neighbourhood chant

'Rapunzel, let down your hair' at her window, and

passersby frequently take photographs

Natasha's mother Catarina Moraes de Andrade

implored her daughter to cut her hair so that she

could join in with the other children

'At the moment she is like a prisoner. She just goes

from school to home again,' Mrs Moraes de

Andrade said

But now she's urging her girl to chop it off

because it's interfering with her life.

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