Tuesday 3 April 2012

Nigerians Now Import Ice-Block From Niger Republic Due To Power Outage

Due to the worsening outage of electricity in

Katsina metropolis, the residents, especially

owners of businesses requiring refrigeration for

their wares, now travel to neighbouring Niger

Republic to purchase ice blocks.

Although Nigeria supplies the bulk of electricity

used in the neighbouring country, Peoples Daily

however, observed that residents of Katsina have

for months been experiencing acute power supply

where it is now rare to have uninterrupted power

supply for at least 30 minutes.

A Fura and cold water vendor along IBB Way,

Katsina, Uztaz Muhammad Umar told our

correspondent that he travelled from Katsina to

Maradi in Niger Republic to buy the ice blocks so

as to preserve his goods.

He noted that the huge special ice block made for

sale to Nigerians cost between N300 to N500

adding "we use to wrap it in a rag or a special

leather bag to prevent it from melting. We thank

God that we have Niger Republic closer, otherwise

we would have left this business for long".

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