Thursday 9 February 2012

Sheep give birth to half sheep/half human.

Residents of Sokoto metropolis are yet to come to

terms with the unbelievable incident that occcurred

in the city recently. That was when a sheep gave

birth to a monstrous being at a government

owned veterinary clinic in the Sokoto State capital.

The date was Monday, January 22, this year. The

news suddenly came into town at about 5pm that

a monster-like creature had been discovered in a

sheep’s womb during an operation carried out by

some veterinary surgeons in the state.

Daily Sun gathered that the inability of the sheep to

deliver made it necessary for the surgeons to carry

out the operation, after which the sheep was

delivered of the monster baby that looked half-


The scene which took place at Fakon Idi Veterinary

Clinic, drew thousands of onlookers that trooped

out from different parts of the metropolis to catch

a glance of the strange being.

It took the intervention of men of the Nigerian

Security and Civil Defence Corps (NCDSC) in the

state to disperse the huge crowd who were

demanding that the owner of the animal should

come out to explain what led to the mystery birth

even as they insisted that the owner must be

probed and possibly executed.

Some of the onlookers who spoke with Daily Sun

queried the occurrence that led to the discovery of

the monster-like lamb, with many arguing that a

man might have copulated with the animal.

Garba Aminu, a commercial motorcycle rider,

averred: “This is an abomination in our land. To

see a sheep give birth to a half human being is a

mystery and that shows how terrible some people

are. It is unimaginable that some people will be

having intercourse with animals.”

Another onlooker, who simply gave his name as

Danladi, wondered how such a development could

happen in a morally upright state like Sokoto

where the Islamic faith is so deep.

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