Friday, 23 December 2011

Ade and cynthia have been dating for like 12yrsthey actually started up as friends from childhoodand upgraded to full romance during seniorsecondary level and together they nutured thebeautiful relationship all through their universitydays...their love was like romeo and julieth... sopure so smooth and so strong. Ade proposed tocynthia around dec 2010 and kick off date formarriage rites was fixed for dec 2011... this month.On april 1st this year, Ade decided to you knowpull the normal April fool stunt on his fianceecynthia. What did he do? He invited Bukki, his USbased cousin who just returned from the US foreaster holiday and whom cynthia has never met.Ade knew fully well that cynthia definitely wouldcome straight from work over to his apartment thatevening and just when cynthia stepped into thecompound, Ade quickly dragged his cousin into hisbedroom and begged her to pretend to be somegirlfriend but bukki didnt like the idea at first butafter few minutes of persuation, bukki reluctantlystepped onto the bed with her cloths and shoesstill on and laid beside Ade on the same bed.Cynthia walked into the sitting room and sighted afemale hand bag that Ade strategically planted atthe centre table and without wasting a secondmore, she went straight to the bedroom, openedthe door and saw Ade right there on the bed withanother lady (so she thought) and right there withher eyes soaked in tears, she told Ade to hisface...'' It's over!'' and ran out of the house noteven giving Ade a chance to scream April fool andbefore Ade and his cousin could catch up with her,she was long gone. Ever since that April 1st 2011,Ade, his cousin, entire family and friends havebeen doing the peace talk but Cynthia wouldn'tlend anyone a listening ear and right now, dec isalmost gone and the marriage isn't holding. Allthrough their dating session, they never madelove...they both agreed to only sink the titanic aftermarriage and even at that, Cynthia has never foundAde wanting in anyway and you thinkCynthia's action is justifiable? Don't you think Adedeserves a fair hearing from Cynthia even thoughthe april fool thing was a bit extreme? Do you inanyway think that Cynthia, on the side, have beenlooking for some sort of slip- off from Ade as anexcuse to ending the relationship?

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